THE new-year message from investors and policymakers is the same:
Europe has turned the corner. Even so, this year’s economic outlook
remains dire. A forecast from the IMF on January 23rd envisages GDP
falling by 0.2% in the 17-strong euro area and growing by just 0.2% in
the wider 27-strong European Union (EU). But even if a sturdier recovery
does eventually get under way, Europe’s longer-term growth prospects
will be dulled by an unwelcome new demographic trend.
This year the EU as a whole starts on a long journey—one already
begun by the euro area in 2012. The EU’s working-age population (aged
20-64, as Europe’s statisticians define it) starts falling in 2013, from
last year’s peak of 308.2m, and will drop over the next 50 years to
265m in 2060 (see chart). The working-age population may be shrinking
but the number of older people will carry on rising. That will raise the
old-age dependency ratio from 28% in 2010 to 58% in 2060. These
demographic shifts, which may be tempered by people working longer,
reflect an earlier transition from post-war baby boom to baby bust. They
would be even bigger but for an assumed net inflow of over 1m (mostly
young) migrants a year.
Europe’s ageing population will cast a pall over growth, which is driven by rising employment as well as higher labour productivity. Higher participation rates in the workforce and lower jobless rates may allow employment to grow a bit until the early 2020s; thereafter it is expected to decline. Based on what may well be an optimistic assumption about potential labour-productivity gains, the European Commission last year projected economic growth of just 1.4% a year in the EU over the next half-century.
Adverse demography will hurt European public finances. The commission expects a rise in annual age-related public spending in the EU of four percentage points of GDP over the next 50 years. Austerity already feels interminable, and there is no end in sight.

Europe’s ageing population will cast a pall over growth, which is driven by rising employment as well as higher labour productivity. Higher participation rates in the workforce and lower jobless rates may allow employment to grow a bit until the early 2020s; thereafter it is expected to decline. Based on what may well be an optimistic assumption about potential labour-productivity gains, the European Commission last year projected economic growth of just 1.4% a year in the EU over the next half-century.
Adverse demography will hurt European public finances. The commission expects a rise in annual age-related public spending in the EU of four percentage points of GDP over the next 50 years. Austerity already feels interminable, and there is no end in sight.
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